Working with MySQL SET Data Type

I’m getting started on a new project which is built around a table using MySQL SET data types in a number of columns. There’s some parts of this, which will most likely present a number of challenges. The table was contains records for individual entities, of which a few fields contain data with multiple values. Instead of creating a new table and id for each of these new values MySQL SET was used as the data type and there lays the values.

This is my prelimary blog post to get the ball rolling. I’ll be updating this regularly with insights and especially the tools I use to make this happen.

On Edit: After initial review, I’ve come to realize that this is no great task to work with MySQL Set data type. It actually seems to be of some strenght for the particular project I’m working with. It’s a matching engine, and that seems to be it’s strenght. If I need to create any new tools, and/or come up with any thing nice I’ll be sure to post.

The following 2 links where immeditiately helpful:

Post written by Ed Reckers

Founder and lead web development consultant at Red Bridge Internet : San Francisco WordPress Developers and Consultants.

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