We’ve got a small theory around there that social networks going forward will cycle through a build and destroy life cycle. You can see that happening today with Facebook. It’s now public, it’s now run by MBAs, they’re now in that mode of “monetizing” their user-base, as that old core of that user base has already melted away.
The technology of the “social network” is no longer something special. Social is now something that comes packaged with all sites (however, it’s a more private social network) if that makes any sense. With that being said, here are some new services that we are keeping our eyes on:
What we’re seeing replace these “social networks” that allow your mother to “hop in the car” with you are chat apps and apps/networks with a more 1 to 1 bent. As we wind down the monster social network that is Facebook, we expect to see more and faster teardowns of any network that starts to lose a tighter sense of community and personal socializing.