NFL Draft Commercial 2013 Love Is Coming Your Way

There’s a commercial out for the 2013 NFL Draft playing on NFL Network and possibly ESPN which features a song with the words, “love is coming your way”. It’s great, but it was a bear to search for on the internet. As usual the garbage Q&A sites like and have taken the top results. The answers are incorrect for both cases.

The song playing in the NFL Draft commercial with the words, “love is coming your way” is called, “Dry Up Those Tears” by folk singer Bob Desper and recorded in 1974. There are two great articles about it from presumably his home town newspaper:

Here’s the 2013 NFL Draft commercial featuring the song “Dry Up Those Tears”:

NFL Network 2013 Draft Commercial feat. Bob Desper “Dry Up Those Tears” from bob_desper on Vimeo.

Here’s the YouTube video of the full song, “Dry Up Those Tears”:

Post written by Ed Reckers

Founder and lead web development consultant at Red Bridge Internet : San Francisco WordPress Developers and Consultants.

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