How to find out if a WordPress upgrade contains database changes

If for example one was to upgrade from the last most recent version of WordPress 3.4 to 3.4.1 and wanted to know if the upgrade contains any database changes, you would do the following:

1. first visit the WP version page of the codex:


2. look for a line describing any database changes:

For version 3.4.1, the database version (db_version in wp_options) changed to 21115.

Here’s a note regarding WordPress database version:

In WordPress, the database version is a number that increases every time changes are made to the way WordPress organizes the data in its database.

Here is a running list of database changes per version:

So the answer to my particular question, is that yes there are some database changes from 3.4 to 3.4.1.

Post written by Ed Reckers

Founder and lead web development consultant at Red Bridge Internet : San Francisco WordPress Developers and Consultants.

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