How to Export Subscribers from WordPress.Com

If there comes a time that you need to export subscribers from WordPress.Com follow these simple steps:

  • login to
  • select Dashboard : Site Stats
  • locate Totals, Subscriptions & Shares metabox
  • select Site Subscriptions : [] active subscribers
  • select either Subscribers or Email Subscribers
  • select Download all as CSV

That’s it. If you’re in the middle of moving from WordPress.Com to a WordPress.Org installation and need to export your WordPress.Com subscriber list the steps above will get you there.

Also, I’ve found that the Subscribe2 WordPress plugin is the closest at emulating the WordPress.Com subscribe functionality and should be used to preserve the Subscribe (by email) and mailing list mechanics.

Post written by Ed Reckers

Founder and lead web development consultant at Red Bridge Internet : San Francisco WordPress Developers and Consultants.

3 Responses to “How to Export Subscribers from WordPress.Com”

  1. Mandy

    Do you have an updated pathway?

  2. Ed Reckers

    You mean another method?

  3. Lee

    Hi! The only choice I see in my Dashboard is to Download the email followers list as CSV. I don’t see a Download All at all. Is there another way to download my WordPress followers list? I can’t save the page or print it or print it to another app, and I’d have to upgrade to a business plan to use more or buy more plugins. I’m trying to avoid doing that. Thanks in advance! Lee 🙂

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