Are you considering a Drupal to WordPress migration? You are not alone. Currently we are seeing an ever increasing demand by business owners who are interested in moving their Drupal sites to WordPress for a number of reasons. Many are looking ahead to the labor intensive upgrade to Drupal 8 and are finding that now is a good time to consider a better and cost effective CMS. WordPress is the forerunner in choice and we can help you with this major overhaul of your website.
Let’s face it, Drupal can be hard to use, hard to learn, difficult to update and maintain which is why many business owners and companies are opting to move their website platform to WordPress. We are here to help.
Small to medium size businesses are currently already feeling the burden of increasing costs associated with running their Drupal sites, not to mention the overall cost of development moving ahead with the upgrade to Drupal 8.
The beauty of moving from Drupal to WordPress today will help lay down a solid foundation for your workflow, website presence, SEO, and ease of maintaining your website.
Contact us now for more info.