There was a great post put out recently by Andy Adams titled, “90% Projects and WordPress“.
It happens to all kinds of software projects. A well-meaning developer gets the bulk of the site done, and then comes the final 10%. The detail work. The edge cases. The home stretch.
And many developers quit before they reach the finish line.
That’s when I hear about 90%. “Andy, this site is 90% done, but the developer disappeared. Can you finish up the last 10%?”
It outlines the state of many WordPress projects that those of us in the consulting business are sometimes faced with.
I had to add my own comments:
It happens a lot with me too. I’m in a similar niche for WordPress development and I’ve gotten my fair share of inquiries looking for someone to finish up the work their previous developer had done. Not surprisingly they’re usually 90% there.
I’m not sure what the original saying was, but I do agree, that to finally ship on something you end up spending 90% of your time on that last 10% of the project.
It’s well worth the read and reminds us that it’s up to us as WordPress developers to deliver on projects and there are consequences when we don’t.