It’s very simple to link to an iFrame with Joomla by using Wrapper and the menu item. Below are the steps to follow in order to link to an iFrame through the Joomla administrator:
1. fire up you admin
2. select Menu => mainmenu (your choice)
3. select New
4. select radio button Wrapper under Miscellaneous
5. select Next
6. add link Name
7. add Wrapper Link (your iframe src)
8. select Save
That’s it. You’re menu links are now pulling in the target url into an iFrame using Joomla’s Wrapper.
10 Responses to “Link to an iFrame with Joomla”
thanks bro…you’re very helpful
Very helpful. But I noticed it’s might be for an old version of Joomla. For 1.5.8,
1. Wrapper is under Internal Link and there is no radio button.
2. ‘link Name’ should rather be ‘Title’.
Thank you again!
Sam Hagin
Thanks so much for sharing.This helped me a lot.
Dominica Jobs
Thanks alot for that, Much easier than all those other mumbo jumbo stuff others work around with. The problem is the name of that module doesn’t emphasis IFRAME so we all miss it.
Very cool.
But what if I want to do the opposite.
I have have a home spun website. And I want to load a joomla blog page into an iframe on my homemade html page.
I dont want all the extra sidebars or headers, just the main content and rss stuff.
any ideas?
thanks so much,
Thanks lot, very helpful
You will be glad to know that you have been a great help to us, thanks.
Kind Regards,
thanks and thanks …in arabic ..shokran
So reading your article I apparently followed the right steps.
But I have a problem and i thought maybe you or anyone could help me. I want the i-frame to show nearly the full page (90% window width) so overlapping the content the header/footer and the main menu of the “normal” page (of course with a close button to go back to the main page).
I tried the following in joomla:
A- As you described and in the “menu wrapper” I did specify the height/width but it does not work it shows the i-frame in the the content “column” and not full screen. ( I tried with % and px)
B- made a module custom linked this to an other menu. In the module custom I put the html code for the i-frame and in an external style sheet the css. Getting the same results as with the wrapper menu just shows the i-frame in the content section.
I am new to joomla designed my own template do I maybe need to add a module to the index.php file or is there an other way?
Please if any one knows how to fix this let me know.
Thanks a million
PS the html & css i use works fine in a “normal” website.
WordPress Consulting
Thanks helped much. Really appciate the post. Joomla is great!